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About Dave

Strength in Body & Mind

I'd like to think my biggest strength is my ability to relate to anyone on a fitness journey - because trust me I tried it all.

The path to achieving your desired figure can be daunting, it can be difficult and it can be all consuming. 

In my younger years I was no stranger to vomiting a meal up in order to cut calories, to smoking and drinking coffee to suppress my appetite, to training 7 hours a day and using caffeine tablets to stay awake, and I'm no stranger to spending my weekly wage on supplements which were doing nothing for me. 

I started at 65kg, starving myself for days in order to maintain a lean physique. I then moved to 115kg, consuming McDonalds everyday thinking the more calories the better.

After all my ups and downs I'm finally in control and succeeding both inside and out. 

My aim is to help you achieve the best physique of your life, while taking the guess work out of this process and stop you from running into the road blocks that I ran into. Any good coach should be working with one purpose: get you to your ideal physique and teach you how to keep it for life. Ultimately my focus will be to bring you to a place where you no longer need me.

Make this your time. Send me a message now and let's get started.

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